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Whether corporate or individual — we need your help to make sure real people get real help. Your contribution will help us provide thousands of free weekly online 1-to-1 therapy sessions with mental health professionals specific to the young person’s culture and context.

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Donation Total: $27.27 One Time

Thank you for expressing an interest in Hope Guardians. We are working hard to achieve our goal of thousands of free online 1-to-1 therapy sessions with mental health professionals. In the meantime, let us know how you’d like to help, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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Please upload the following documents — 1. Your Qualifications 2. Membership of Regulatory Body and 3. Proof Of Insurance. NOTE: Only PDF, JPEG, PNG and DOC Files Types Allowed (Max 10mb each). If you are not ready to upload your documents, simply email us at and we'll remind you.
Max. file size: 32 MB.
Max. file size: 32 MB.
Max. file size: 32 MB.
I would like to receive updates on professional mental health advice.
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Your can find them here: terms and conditions | privacy policy
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NOTE: Upload may take a few minutes, please be patient and wait for the successful message. 

Thank you for expressing an interest in Hope Guardians. We are busy recruiting therapists to join Hope Guardians in order to ensure the highest quality of therapist for you. Feel free to send us your details below but please understand we cannot assist you just yet and will be in touch as soon as we can!

First Name(Required)
Which of these feelings, if any, have you had in the last 2 weeks
I cannot afford to pay a private therapist’s fees and have not been helped when I approached a government facility.
I would like to receive updates on professional mental health advice.
terms and conditions(Required)
Your can find them here: terms and conditions | privacy policy
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